
Draw a dialogue graph

After a new skill is created, it will have a Knot node named "main". This will be the beginning of the Dialogue Graph. The Knot node does not have any effect on the functionality of the Dialogue Graph so it can be used as the target of GoTo nodes in order to make the graph more organized.

A Dialogue Graph is activated by a user's input, including User Says, Intent, Entity Extraction, or Wildcard nodes. For example, the User Says node catches a pre-defined text block, and when the user input matches with the text block, the node matches, and the dialogue graph executes.

Start by dragging a User Says node. Drag the User Says logo into the editing area:

Double click the node to edit the User Says content.

Next, drag a Bot Says node, and let the bot say something to welcome the user. Double click to edit Bot Says content.

Use the arrow to connect the User Says and Bot Says node to indicate the flow of the dialogue. Move the mouse to the User Says node, empty circles will show on the side of the node. Move the mouse to any of the empty circles on the side of the node, and when the mouse shows as +, hold left click, and connect the arrow to the Bot Says node. Then connect the Knot node to the User Says node.

Testing the graph

Try this simple dialogue graph. Click the Train button on the top-right of the page to put the changes into effect. Click the Test button. In the input box of the chat bot, type in "Satisfaction feedback", as shown the bot replies with the greeting message.

Naming cards

After double clicking the card, give each card a custom name by clikcing the edit button right of the card's name. By doing so, the purpose of each card can be viewed.

Input Nodes

Input nodes are used to capture user input.

Output Nodes

Output nodes will display content to the user.

Operation Nodes

Operation nodes does not display content to the user, instead they affect the flow of the dialogue graph.

Nodes List

Node nameGroupDesignExplanation
User SaysInputCatch a pre-defined text block
Intent NodeInputCatch a text block that matches an Intent
Entity ExtractionInputCatch a text block that match an entity
WildcardInputCatch any text
Bot SaysOutputThe chatbot send a text to teh user
Card ListOutputDisplay a single button or a list of vertically(or horizontally) stacked buttons
Go ToOutputBased on a given node name, direct the flow to that specific node
ImageOutputSend a playable picture embedded in a single message to the user
AudioOutputSend a playable audio embedded in a single message to the user
VdieoOutputSend a playable video embedded in a single message to the user
QuitOutputQuit chat flow
ScriptOperationRun Groovy script to perform complicated logic like manipulation of variable, api calls, complex calculations
RandomOperationRandomly direct the flow to one of the following nodes
KnotOperationUse knot node for more convenient use of GoTo node and neat graphics
ModuleModuleGroup of blocks that have a common goal such as fulfill an order