Skill Coonfiguration

Skill Configuration is used to configure the bot's skills.

1. Before configuration

If the “My Skills” list is empty, click “+ New Skill”

Detailed operation of adding new skill: Create Skills

2. Skill priority setting

The page includes three parts: Skill Level, My Skills, and System Skills.

When a chatbot is configured with multiple skills, the relative priority of different skills can be adjusted.

Firstly, a small switch on each skill can enable or disable it.

Click “Add skill level” to order skills by priority

Drag the skill to another level to change its priority

3. Skill Setting

Skill setting includes FAQ and system skills. Activate or deactivate the status of each skill as needed

Skill Scheduling Priority Description

Whisper's scheduling logic currently has three tiers:

  • Tier 1 is for high-priority system skills, TDE, and third-party skills;
  • Tier 2 is for customized FAQ skills;
  • Tier 3 is the function of low-priority systems, such as storytelling and chatting.

Tier 2 is divided into three sub-tiers where users can drag their customized FAQ skills to adjust their priority. As shown below:


The overall content is shown as below:

[ High-priority system Skill 1089, High-priority system Skill 1056, TDE1, TDE2, Third Party 1, Third Party 2 ],
[ FAQ/NLU list (corresponding platform [Scheduling classification] high priority) ],
[ FAQ/NLU list (priority in corresponding platform [Scheduling classification]) ],
[ FAQ/NLU List (corresponding platform [Scheduling classification] low priority) ]
[ Low priority System Skill 1, Low priority System Skill 2 ]


1089: Including following sub-skills

  • 1001 Sensitive words and dirty words

  • 1003 Repeat what just said

  • 1006 Exit context (Context state cleared)

  • 1061 Common words match

1056: Including following sub-skills

  • 1034 Equipment company information

  • 1054 What can you do

  • 1056 Basic device properties

  • 1120 Bot properties

Scheduling Sequence Description

The scheduling order for all skills is shown below:

Note: Certain by default means a score greater than or equal to 0.8; Maybe by default means a score of 0.65 or greater and less than 0.8 if certain means good that should be made clear.

  1. Sequential scheduling: The skills in the first level are scheduled from small to large in accordance with the preset skill ID. If certain, they are directly returned.
  2. Parallel scheduling: All FAQ and NLU in the first level of the second level are selected, and the one with the highest answer score is selected. If it is certain, it will be returned directly.
  3. Parallel scheduling: All FAQ and NLU at the second level in the second level are selected, and the one with the highest answer score is selected. If it is certain, it will be returned directly.
  4. Parallel scheduling: All FAQ and NLU in the third level of the second level are selected, and the one with the highest answer score is selected; if it is certain, it will be returned directly.
  5. Sequential scheduling: The skills in the third level are scheduled from small to large in accordance with the preset skill ID. If certain, they are directly returned.
  6. If none of the above steps is certain, select “Maybe” with the highest score to return.
  7. If no answer is displayed, then switch to fallback corpus or manual services.